I love the intense colors in the sunsets
that seem to dance across the sky as though the clouds were bidding this part
of the world adieu and sail off to other skies.
so beautiful this time of year, and I have been enjoying shooting them lately.
Sunsets are something that is just gorgeous, and aren't super complicated to
capture, so while I've been experimenting with Manuel mode and all that lovely
stuff, it's been nice to have something lovely to capture. Now I need to learn
how to capture the same thing from different angles so that I don't end up
taking photos of different sunsets in the same exact places every day. :) That
would get old, even for me!!
Do you have any tips for how to look for
different angles? Actually, I would love to get any tips from the photographers
that read my blog!! I am so new to really pursuing photography, and I would
love your tips. :)
you believe that Christmas is in only seven days? This holiday season has gone
so fast it amazes me, and makes me quite dizzy to think that in two
weeks this year will be gone. o-O
me what your favorite things have been this month so far, and what you're really looking
forward to in the next thirteen days, 'kay.

Nice pictures, Rebecca :) I have really liked the snow this month. And I'm really looking forward to Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas morning breakfast. :) :) :) :) :)