I have a confession… I didn’t take a single photo of anything today (except a mini photo-shoot with my older brother, but I ‘m gonna post about that sometime in the future.) So, this post is going to have to be Thanksgiving photo free. That seems sad. J
I decided to do a Thankful A to Z list, because I think that lists are so much fun, and this was something that would be entertaining as well as a wonderful reminder about things I am grateful for.
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Linking up with Hannah at Aspire
Another lovely Thanksgiving with my family. I love Thanksgiving, people.
Birthdays—my sixteenth is fast approaching and I am so excited this year.
C- Christmas—is official the very best season of all. Fall is close in second, but Christmas is so beautiful and fun and amazing. J Coffee— Chocolate—
Dickens—Because he is the very best author (besides GOD, of course) who ever sat down at a desk, picked up a pen, dipped it, with care, into ink, and proceeded to write a novel. He was brilliant, and his books are so amazing.
Everything-- That was my Gramndpa's answer to the question "what are you thankful for. :)
Family and friends, people that love me.
Goldendale—I love my little hometown, and the people here. I live in a very beautiful place, although I just discovered that recently, about six months ago actually. I realized that I live in a beautiful area, and I love it here. J
Home – My house holds all my memories, and that is so amazing to think about.
Inside a warm home, watching the rain fall in sheets outside the windows, and being cozy inside reading. That is the beauty of fall right there, people.
Jesus. I am so grateful for the salvation that he gave to me.
Kisses from my little brother. Even though he offers them only after much coaxing.
Letters—I love writing and receiving letters. There is something extremely exciting about opening an envelope and reading the words someone wrote on the page. Love—because it’s such a lovely thing.
Music—something that I truly could not live without.
November – It’s been a wonderful month so far. I think that November is going to end beautifully, and although I will be sad to see it go, I will be extremely excited to see December again.
Opening an old book for the first time, and smelling that delicious old book smell and just knowing this is going to be a good book.
P- Piano—In my humble opinion, the piano (and the violin. J) is the most beautiful instrument of all. A pianist can do so much on that amazing instrument. Photography—because this is my other passion. I expect Maria and I will have a lot of beautiful experiences this next year together.
Quiet—the beauty of stillness in a chaotic world.
Rings—I am finally getting my purity ring sized, it’s gonna be a size and a half smaller!!! I am so lucky I didn’t lose it.
Starbucks runs with friends after church. Salt—I know it’s weird, but I seriously love lots of salt on my food
Tea – Because it is warm and delicious—Technology—because it makes life oh so convenient. (Gotta admit it does. J)
United States of America – I am so proud to be an American.
Valking in the woods with my little sister. (you gotta say that with a German accent. ‘Kay? Okay.)
Waking up late in the morning, and laying there for a while longer, because my bed is just so warm and lovely.
X-- I can honestly not think of a single thing beginning with X. This is the sad reality.
Yesterday’s dinner. It was that good. J
Zany little siblings. They’re the best. J
I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving, lovelies.

I play piano and agree with you completely -- piano is the most beautiful instrument. Love it. And love that old/new book smell as well, breathing deep and smelling the story in the pages. Thank you for linking up your wonderful list!
ReplyDeletehave a weekend filled with wonder!
What a very sweet list, Becca! So many things to be thankful for. :)
ReplyDeleteWhich book from Dickens is your favorite? I haven't read any of his books yet, but I'm planning too eventually. ;)
Take care!
Hi Becca!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Emma and I am your gift exchange partner-so I came over to check out your blog! In case you were wondering, I am only 10 so I am pretty sure there is quite a BIG age difference:) But, when I read the email that Kari sent me about you as my partner, it said 5 things you like and I was super surprised to see that we have so much in common! I come from a big family, but definitely not as big as yours, only five. I LOVE reading old books-Anne of Green Gables-Trixy Belden-Nancy Drew-Cherry Ames-Black Beauty and the Bronte sisters:) I LOVE to play the piano and I love photography and I'm trying to get good:) And I mean, who doesn't like chocolate?:) I am getting your package ready today!! I hope you get it soon-might be a few days, I live all the way over at the other corner of the TOTALLY AWESOME U.S. of A-teeny tiny little old Maine:)
Well, see you later!