HI!!! How have you been? Was your week amazing and wonderful, or was it kind of like mine, where it felt super busy and stressful and then I got to the end and realized that nothing actually happened. ;)
this week, I cleaned a house for my dad, getting it ready for the showing. I spent Tuesday with my fabulous sister-in-law. (aka my favorite sister-in-law!), and we totally spent 15+ minuets fitting a coffee table from ikea into her car. but we got it in and were oh so proud of us. i don't have a clue what i did the rest of the week. Friday i spent the afternoon helping friends get ready for the valentines banquet that our church was hosting, and Saturday night I deserted them all for a swing dance at Fort Vancouver instead with my big bro. It was totally amazing!! I didn't trip or fall once last night!!! You should be excited for me, it was kind of a big deal!! We had a blast, and the 30+ piece live swing band from Beacock's Music was fabulous as well.
It was incredibly sweet of my brother to come down to take me as well. Thanks, bro!!
both the above photos were taken by my lovely friend Tiffany, (Who looked amazing last night as well, btw! :)
This afternoon, I am going to clean my room, post this, (obviously,) drink tea and listen to pretty music, journal, refocus and make some to-do lists for the week and plan and mentally prepare myself. It should be fairly uneventful, but good nevertheless.
What does your week look like? And do you have any fabulous book suggestions? I am in need of some new reading material.
I heard this song this afternoon and thought it was so cute. Do yourself a favor and listen to an adorable love song, even if it is the day after valentines day. ;)

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