it was an overcast, drizzly and rather gloomy this morning. Mom hurried out the door around 8:30 to spend awhile in the NICU with Lydia, leaving me with the littles, guzzling coffee and willing myself awake. I'd been up for an hour but wasn't awakening very fast. :) I managed to spill almost the entire contents of my first mug of coffee all over myself and the couch in an attempt to sit down in front of the coffee. Actually, to be perfectly honest, I spill coffee on myself pretty much every single morning but not an ENTIRE mugful.
i can't find my battery charger for my camera currently, and haven't been able to photograph in over a week. I've wanted to dozens of times and am hoping i'll find it soon. Especially before Lydia comes home. :)
Caleb (5), just lost his very fist tooth. He is growing up entirely too fast; i think i'll have to talk to him very seriously about not growing anymore. He's all kinds of adorable. (And glares at me and turns a bright pink every time i remind him of his cuteness.
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Thomas is coming in 14 days!!!!! I'm getting more excited every day. The last time we saw him was on his wedding day, December 7th, 2013.
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Um, guys. Thanksgiving is only a week away. o.O and Christmas is in 34 days, and 2015 is in 41 days!!!! *please excuse me while I scream for a moment...
Coffee is wonderful. amazing. brilliant. delicious. gorgeous. Coffee understands my great need for it to always be around. Coffee knows I can't handle a long distance relationship. I need the commitment, and the knowledge that Coffee will be there for me every morning, to cheer me up and make me smile and happy. ;)
I'm hoping to find a Nanny position in the next several months. I love kids, and I have a TON of experience in the babbysitting/nannying/cooking/cleaning department of life, so I think Nannyng would be a perfect job.
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I attended my very first swing dance last Saturday. Long-story-short, I officially love swing, but desperately need/want lessons. My big brother is an amazing swing dancer, and he's gonna be here for a few days round Christmas. I think I'll have him work with me a bit. :)
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how has your week been?

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