In reality- I am lonely, and bored. But I find ways to occupy my life, and I can see beauty all around me. I've only lived here almost eight months. I don't have many friends, or activities and obligations outside of my home. I read to occupy my time and "improve my mind.". A lot. (I've read 148 books so far this year. Only two more to complete my reading goal this year on goodreads.) I browse Pinterest and the blog-sphere. I bother my bestie with emails and phone calls.
but you know what. I think there is a really good reason that God has chosen to keep my time free and un-engaged. (Not like getting married engaged, but obligation engaged... just so we're clear on that point. Although the other would be great. *cough* Anyway.)
One of the things I don't think I got around to sharing on here was the fact that my mom was pregnant with our twelfth (or rather fourteenth, if you include my parents) family member. After my littlest brother's birth mom thought she was completely done having children. It was a rather rough pregnancy and she was quite at peace about not having any more. And then we moved earlier this spring, and she gave away all her maternity and baby clothes and baby gear. And two weeks after moving into this house, whilst driving up our horrible, bumpy, major hill rutted, driveway, mom turned to dad and announced. "YOU HAD BETTER BE GRATEFUL THAT I WILL NEVER BE PREGNANT ON THIS DRIVEWAY." and God decided to prove that he does indeed have a sense of humor because two weeks later, lo and behold she found out she was expecting #12.
She had tons of complications this time around, with High-blood pressure and allergic reactions to all the drugs the tried to control it. And then, ten days ago she was hospitalized and diagnosed with preemclampsia (and I can't spell that word to save my life so please just read it out phonetically. ;) And, on October 29th, Lydia Joy was born, via C-section, at 31 weeks. She weighed 3'12. She is doing fabulous and one week later she is off everything: oxygen, IV's, the only thing she is still on is her feeding tube. She is going to have to spend five weeks in the hospital, but that is completely normal procedure and she's doing amazing. Mom came home on Saturday, and is still having really High-blood pressure problems and trying to deal with all that and stabilize it, but is otherwise feeling pretty good. Dad's been going into the hospital twice a day on his way to and from work to hold her and spend some time with her. And Mom got to hold her yesterday, because she was feeling a little better.
So my life is suddenly crazy, and overwhelming. But I think I understand a little bit why I have't really found a lot to do around this area yet. ;)
so, how has your life been these last few weeks? Are you starting to get into the holiday spirit? I'm getting excited about the holidays. Especially since my brother and his wife are coming the first week in December, (right after he officially get's out of the Army) and are planning to stay with us for a few weeks.) Two nights ago we picked names for Christmas Gifts. I'm slightly excited!
so, tell me about your life. :)

Aww! She's beautiful!! Can't wait to meet her in person! :D
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your mom is feeling better now. :)
I'm not in the "holiday spirit" yet, I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving though. ;) (pumpkin pie!!)
Off topic, which orientation for the Fort School are you guys going to? The one in November, or the one in December?
Hope to see you all soon!
I kind of think of Thanksgiving as starting off the holiday season. ;) And yes. pumpkin pie. 'Nuff said 'bout that! :)
DeleteI don't know what mom is planning, but my guess would be the December one, because of everything that's going on right now.
Yah, hope to see you soon, too. I don't think we're going to be in Church for the next few weeks though, in an attempt to NOT get sick. :)!!! I had no idea she was born! Congratulations to you, your mom, and your family! What a beautiful name and baby! Yay!!!!! Praying for you all! (So happy you can drive. :)
ReplyDeleteOh wow. I'm glad she's doing so well, though. She's so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI don't think any other bloggers' lives are as exciting as they sound. :) Though they DO sound pretty nice. . . .
dance a real
She is CO BEAUTIFUL! Congrats big sister! :)
ReplyDeleteOh, Becca! What a precious baby! I think this is one of the best blog posts I have ever read! Thank you for your honesty and the beauty of a life lived doing those mundane tasks that bless others more than yourself.
ReplyDeleteIn the midst of the mundane, God gives us great joy. May little Lydia bring you all great joy!
We love you guys!