My Man Jeeves
by P. G. Wodehouse
Containing drafts of stories later rewritten for other collections (including Carry On, Jeeves,) , My Man Jeeves offers a fascinating insight into the genesis of comic literature's most celebrated characters. All the stories are set in New York, four of them featuring Jeeves and Wooster as we know them; the rest concerning Reggie Pepper, and earlier version of Bertie. Plots involve the usual cast of amiable young clots, choleric millionaires, chorus-girls and vulpine aunts, but towering over the book is the inscrutable figure of Jeeves, manipulating the action from behind thee scenes whenever he appears.
Early or not, these stories are masterly examples of Wodehouse's art, turning the most ordinary incidents into golden farce.
-From the back
I knew absolutely nothing about this book, or Wodehouse, except that he was well known for dry, British humor and is most famous for his well-loved characters Jeeves and Wooster. So I read this book quite untainted by expectations and foreknowledge.
I chuckled my way though this interesting collection of short stories, sympathizing and enjoying thoroughly the various scrapes and problems everyone managed to entangle themselves in, only to be saved by the brilliant, lovable Jeeves. I don't particularly think he would enjoy the term "lovable" however, in regards to himself. Perhaps it is not quite the right term to describe him. He is respected and well liked. There, I think he would settle for that. :) I rather loved him, though.
My Man Jeeves was entertaining and enjoyable and recommended to those in search of a humorous easy read, consisting of scrapes galore and plenty of neckties! :)
My rating: * * * * * * * {seven of ten}

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