Several weeks ago I finally finished this master piece, (and have not been able to post this review due to tecnical difficulties.) having spent a month and a half working my way through it. I do read extremely fast, thanks to a speed reading/ comprehenseon course my mother put me through several years ago, but this book was so overwhelming at times, with Hugo's vivid, yet extremely in-depth narratives, and I had to take requent breaks to allow my brainpower to recharge. I managed to read at least 6-8 other books while reading thsi massive volume.
After finishing the last sentence, I was overwhelmed, and sat still for a while; compltely at a loss. I was't sure what to think or do. I have never been so affected by a book before. I actually cried during the last several chapters. (Although I know a few people who would consider me heartless to just have cried at the end, when the entire book was so tragic.), and if you know me well, you know that I never cry.)
I believe it is a known fact on here that I write. Because I am a lover of words, stories and reading, it is only naturla that I scribble away, creating my own worlds of people and plot-lines, but while reading Les Miserables, I hardly wrote a word. My characters and story hjave sat compltely neglected, (I still haven't really written much,) My characters and story have sat compltely neglected, as I moved throughout the world of Jean Valjean, Marius, Fantine and so many other beautiful and wonderful characters, that slowly became best friends, (as well as a few disgusting characters that demanded and recieved my disgust and distaste.) :) I felt that it wasn't even worth my time writing. Victor Hugo has created the most epic masterpiece I have, and quite possibly ever will read. (Granted, I am not that far into my reading "career" and who knows? I just might find the next book I read to vbe the best work of literature that I'll ever read.) I will go back to writing. It might take a little while to get over this absolute awe of Hugo, and my feeling of inadequacy compared to his brilliance.
I can't even write a summery of this book, or begin to explain a bit of the storyline. Les Miserables is so in-depth, complex and ENORMOUS!!! All I can say is that you really must read this book, even if it takes you twenty years to finish it, reading just a bit at time. (You'd probably get a ton more out of it, if you did that. :) I plan to read Les Miserables again. Probably not immediately, or even again this year, but someday. I msut forewarn you, however. It is 1,260 pages long. SO be sure that you have the time before starting it. :)
And Just one more important note: I don't recommend this book for young readers. My reasons are thus: Firstly, 1,260 pages long, and yonger people will probably become discouraged during the descriptions, and it is hightly probable they might never finish this great work, because of their discoruagement. Secondly: There are a few parts in teh storyline young readers might not fully understand, (although I must admit here there were parts my brain ran in circles trying to comprehend everything.) and this might lead to some problems. And Thirdly, (and perhaps I should have meantioned this first.), I am convinced it might add greatly to their unhappiness, (Sorry, I couldn't help writing it like that. :) as the story is SO sad and heartbreaking, I feel that younger readers might become depressed and confused. All this to say; of course it is up to the discretion of the younger reader and their parents/mentors/etc. I rest my case. :)
* * * * * * * * * * * {11 out of 10 stars}

I love your impression of Mr. Collins!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read this book--I love it when books are complex with beautiful characters . . . and tragic, too :) Have you ever read The Hunchback of Notre Dame? I haven't, but I want to. I don't know if it's as famous as Les Mis though I certainly heard about Hunchback before this one.
I haven't read the Hunchback yet... I've been considering watching the Disney movie, (as a part of my huge Disney experience! :) and might read the book first. :)
DeleteYah, they are both very famous, but I think Les Mis is better known.
While I deeply appreciate your insight into this masterful story, the best part of the post was undoubtedly the quote of Pride and Prejudice. ;) Bravo!
ReplyDeletehehe. Thanks. :)