Chasing Jupiter
By Rachel Coker
I was
super excited to have the opportunity to read Chasing Jupiter. I stumbled
across Miss Coker’s blog about a year ago, (unfortunately, I don’t remember how I found it,)
but it quickly became a favorite blog. I have to be honest; I love almost
anything that has to do with writing and authors. I love knowing there are
other teen girls out there who also love to write. And Miss Coker’s blog is a
fun read and helpful as well.
So I was extremely excited to have the
opportunity to read her books. A friend loaned them to me and I… well, I
devoured them both in two days… (Hey,
I was in bed with PMS cramps. That gives me a little excuse doesn't it?!) I do
read really fast, so I burn through books. But anyhow…
I must say first that Ms. Coker’s book
was engaging and original. Her characters draw the reader in, and her storyline
was interesting and well thought out.
Scarlett was a typical
sixteen-year-old girl, but she was basically raising her little brother, Cliff,
because the rest of the family was too busy for the misunderstood little boy,
and Grandpop Barley, because nobody had time for him either. She’s a girl who
acts like a tomboy, and bakes peach pies… And then one day, she promises to
help Cliff build a rocket to go to Jupiter. And that day changed her life, not
to mention her summer, forever…
Maybe it sounds a little lame when I
try to describe an entire story in only one paragraph.
“Every story has to start
somewhere. Mine starts with a list written on a sheet of yellow construction
paper, folded neatly into fourths, and pushed under my bedroom door so that I
brushed it with my foot when I got up that morning.”
love her first {two} sentences. But especially the first sentence. I’m actually
thinking of making some sort of wall hanging for my wall out of that sentence,
because it’s true( I already have it written on a sticky note attached to my
computer). Every single story starts somewhere, with something, big or small;
everything has a beginning.
Chasing Jupiter was emotional. There
were times I smiled and giggled, (looking like an idiot to anybody watching.J)
and there were times that a frog climbed down inside my throat and I wanted to
cry. (But if you were to know me really well, you’d know that that doesn't happen. Ever. Period. :) She had a good balance of emotions. The whole story was
really sad, but the lighter moments made it a really good balance of the two.
The characters were different from
your standard perfect characters that it seems everyone wants to create. From
little boys obsessed with rockets and Spanish to elderly grandfathers fixated
on peanut-butter, to the neighbor woman who’s totally into the cha-cha, to hippy older
sisters. Each is so different and incredible interesting in their own way.
Ms. Coker’s book was delightful and I
highly suggest you add Chasing
Jupiter to your “to read”
list. :)
* * *
* * * *
(seven out of ten stars)

Lovely review, my friend :) Rachel is so good at crafting unique characters. And if you somehow get that first sentence on your wall, could you tell me how so I can do it, too? :)
ReplyDeleteYes I really liked this book too! Even though I did cry many times. Have u ever read Rachel's book Interrupted? It's so amazing and she only wrote it when she was 14! I got to meet Rachel a few months ago & got to talk to her and take a class from her on writing =D she is such an amazing,fun person to be around!
ReplyDeleteI did read Interrupted, and I loved it!!! It was a beautiful story, with tons of interesting characters as well.
DeleteIt must have been cool to meet her and take a class from her!! She is one person I would love to meet. :)