1. Read my bible every single day.
It is really embarrassing to admit that I haven’t ready my Bible anywhere near how much I should have this year. It’s embarrassing that I let it slip until it wasn't a priority. I made other things way more important and Bible reading was pushed to the back, for times when I wasn't busy, or didn't have a good book to read. I am not at all proud of this, but I'm being honest. This year I am purposing to read my bible first thing every day, if possible, even before I get out of bed. (Because if I get out of bed first and go down stairs, more likely than not, I won't be up to my room where my Bible is and where it is quiet, until nearly lunch time, and by then, I'll probably be working on Lunch, and then school and laundry and reading a book… and it just won't get done.) I know it’s pathetic of me, and I am purposing to change that.
2. Become more intentional with the books that I read.
In January of 2014, I decided to challenge myself with a rather large reading goal of 150 books. As of today, I read 162 books this year, and it makes me incredibly happy to know I read so much and actually completed my goal. But, although I read a ton of absolutely amazing books this year, I also read a large number of what I have come to entitle as filler books. You know the type, they’re the ones that are written horribly, are less than interesting, and have incredibly stupid characters, but there is a good moral to the storyline so you read them to give your brain a break, because sometimes we all need time without having to think and dig for truths and information. And this year I read more than my share of filler books. So in 2015, I hope to read only great books, and I have decided, (this is monumental,) that if I don’t love a book, I am going to put it down. I have always had the mindset that, as long as I’m already this far into a book, I might as well finish. And I’ve finished a ton of stupid books that I’ve hated. So I give myself permission to put books down and not finish them. And for the record, I’m giving myself the same reading goal of 150 books. :)
3. Learn to save Money
This seems like such a simple thing. How hard can it be to not spend money… haha. I really struggle with seeing the cash in my hand and needing to spend it. And it isn’t always on huge things all at once. It’s stopping for coffee way too often, and grabbing another pair of earrings because they’re kind of cute, but probably won‘t wear often enough to justify the purchase. The little things really add up. I want to learn that having money saved away is good and have it stored for times when I need it for essential things. (Like vet bills, and car insurance, and electricity bills, etc.)
I am really not an exerciser. I struggle with making the time to go out and walk or be in my room for an hour to walk in place to a video. And lets not talk about water, okay? Alright, Fine. I don’t like the way water tastes. Is that super weird? I never really have, so I don’t drink a lot of water. I consume large amounts of tea and coffee, and drink water occasionally. I’m the girl who will realize as she’s climbing into bed that she should probably drink at least one glass of water for the day… and I think both the water and exercise issue explain a lot of why I feel super lousy and get sick seriously all the time. It is time that I work on drinking water and becoming physically fit. Plus, Hannah gave me a super cool water bottle for my birthday and it’s pretty awesome. You push a button, and the straw pops up so you can drink, and then you can push the straw back down into the lid to store it, and that basically is the best feature ever. I may have pushed that button way to many times…
5. Compose an entire piece of music.
I don’t know how this is going to work. I don’t have the programs, or the knowledge, or even the ability, really, but I have dreamed of composing a piece of my very own music for far too long, and I think it is high time to start working on making my own music.
6. Walk a Marathon
this really goes with the exercise and water thing. Hannah and I are planning to walk a marathon together at the end of February
7. Skydive
I’m terrified of heights. In fact, standing on balconies is really hard for me, and so is going down lots of flights of stairs. I’m terrified of falling. Even jumping into a swimming pool is hard for me. But I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of jumping out of a small airplane and seeing the whole countryside panning out around me, and then floating gently down to earth suspended from a colorful parachute. I already have a list of people who want to go as well, and I am really hoping to accomplish this crazy dream this summer.
8. Create a wardrobe that I love.
I’m not going to lie. I am really, really picky when it comes to clothing. And a lot of the clothes that I have are stuff that I’ve had for a really long time. So, slowly over 2015, I would like to redo my wardrobe with essential pieces that I looooove.
9. Get up earlier.
I never set my alarm clock unless I’m going somewhere fun, or going somewhere important, (like a job or trip or something along those lines.). I rely on my mother to send various little children up at whatever hour she deems fit to wake me up. And most days, she doesn’t wake me up until 8:30+. Which is incredibly sweet of her, but I need have my own schedule, and be a big girl and get up early to get things done, like reading my Bible and exercising and getting the laundry done before breakfast. I’m goal and list oriented, (hence this list of goals…) and I have found that making to-do lists that I can cross out makes me incredibly happy. But I usually don’t get everything done. Getting up earlier will give me 1-2 ½ more hours to work with every day. (lets see, that means 1- 2 ½ less hours of sleep… ahh, I can handle that. :)
10. Travel somewhere.
I don't know where. I don't know when. But I know that I want to travel at least someplace during 2015.
I don't know where. I don't know when. But I know that I want to travel at least someplace during 2015.
I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year. I hope this year is full of joy, special people and many wonderful memories. I am still quite shocked that 2014 slipped away so very fast, but to be perfectly honest, I am really glad that twenty-fourteen is over. It wasn't the best year for me. So many huge changes happened, and I wasn't the person or Christian that I should have been, and I am really ready to grow some more and move past all the depression and lack of joy that I felt during this year.
Bring it on, 2015. I can't wait to make memories and live life vividly and to the hilt this year. I have many plans, hopes and dreams and I am excited to see what God will bring into my life during this next year.

I have been the same about reading my Bible and doing devotions this year. It's awful of me. I think you were brave to be honest about it though--I was so afraid of saying something akin to that on my blog this month. So hopefully we can both discipline ourselves to do it :)
ReplyDeleteI love the photo of your family by the way!
Also, I have a hard time with #2. I don't like to not finish books, but I did start reading a Lori Wick novel in November and quit because I couldn't handle the stupidity. Sorry, that was harsh, but true.
dance a real
I know... Lori Wick was the author i had in mind when I wrote that... I read a ton of her stuff this year, but I hate everything she writes.
ReplyDeleteIsn't my family cute? :)