Sunday, October 20, 2013

Outfit post // fall beauty

I was particularly happy with the outfit I came up with yesterday, and managed to run outside and take a few photos. I still  haven't perfected looking comfortable in front of a camera, (especially when i have to run back and forth between it, setting the timer, etc. a bunch of times to take a picture. :)  Oh, and these earrings, they are my favortietest piece of jewelry. They're just so darn cute. :)

Skirt: Thrifted
Purple Tank: Gift
Black Halftee: Halftee 
Flip-flops: Fred Myers
Earrings: Etsy


  1. Your necklace is beautiful! Where did you find it?

    I'm so wishing I could somehow find a way to do an outfit post. I've been wanting to so bad, but I always forget or my room is always a mess or I just don't feel like it or I think taking pictures (or a video) in a mirror is really weird.

  2. I absolutely love all of my thrifted skirts. and those earrings are darling!


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