+This past week my entire family has been pretty sick. We've gone through an abnormal amount of ibuprofen and NyQuil, but despite all that the world rolls on. It's been a week of deciding to wear cute dresses everyday, and then adding jeggings and sweaters for warmth, and a lot of make-up--if for nothing else than the fact that whenever you happen to catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror at least you don't look as though you were dying. ;)
+ I bought a weighted hula hoop earlier this week, and I've tried it a couple of times, in between feeling like I might as well die. It seems like it's a much
+ One of the girls had ballet on Wednesday, and I felt somewhat better than Mom did, so I threw a bunch of dark chocolate covered camels into my purse and we ran a bunch of errands. (The caramels were to bolster my mood through out the errands and shopping I needed to get done, of course!) To cheer myself up I decided on a whim to run to goodwill and look through the formals. I ended up buying a red satin strapless gown, that is a high-low tea-length. It's quite beautiful and perfect for a formal dinner my brother and I are attending next weekend. And my sister and I picked out a new color of my current favorite brand of lipstick, which is super exciting for some reason. :)
+ Lydia learned to walk about a month ago, and she is now an expert at evading all of our gates/blocks to the stairs. Luckily she is already an expert at climbing them and has nearly perfected coming back down. (As long as she doesn't take any tips from me and end up toppling down them once a week, we're all good! ;) So far she has learned to say "Up," "Mama," "Duck," and she also moos like a cow. (I taught her that of course. ;)
+ I tried to take photos of my outfit today but my compute won't read the SD card. I think I'm going to bite the bullet and buy a new laptop sometime in the next couple of weeks. Whenever I finally convince myself, and talk to my brother about what to get. (I haven't any idea how to go about shopping for a laptop. Suggestions??)
+ in short, life around here has been rather normal. Laundry, cooking, cleaning, reading, helping littles with school, telling Lydia she's cute, all those little things that make my life. I kind of like it. :)

Oooh, I wanna see the red dress! :))