Liam Weston
1:26 am
6.7 lbs
19 inches
Liam surprised us Christmas Eve, in a long, frustrating situation, that ended with our beautiful, perfect son in our arms, 2.5 weeks earlier than we ever thought he would arrive.
Daddy holding him for the very first time, about 10 minutes after he was born. I loved the look on his face!
At my 37 week appointment, my midwife was very concerned about a slight rise in my blood pressure, so she ordered a bunch of tests, looking for preeclampsia. Two days later, the results a little higher than she liked, so she asked us to head to the hospital to make sure everything was okay. While I was there for 6 hrs, my blood pressure was completely normal, so Scott and I decided to head home to get a good nights sleep. We met with the midwife the next day, Saturday, to check on everything, and were told that they were not going to continue care for us, and that we needed to head to the hospital immediately. So we ended up going in again to try to figure out our options. I had been planning to have a natural water birth, and wanted that calm, homelike environment that the birth center would provide. I am very uncomfortable in hospitals, and around doctors, so I wanted to avoid the hospital experience if at all possible.

Saturday evening, after sitting in labor and delivery for several hours, we met with the midwife on call, who told us that I had preeclampsia for sure, and that our only option was to induce labour immediately, and that if we didn't, we were putting my life, and the baby's, at risk. Obviously, we weren't going to risk the complications of preeclampsia, (especially after my moms experience with her last birth.) so we decided to go ahead with induction. At this point, I had been in the hospital about 12 hours total, including Friday evening, and my blood pressure had been completely normal the entire time.
It was the worst experience. I won't go into details, but I wouldn't wish it for anyone. By the time I finally transitioned into active labour, around 9:00pm Sunday evening, I hadn't slept in about 2 days, because of how uncomfortable I was being in the hospital, and the vast methods of induction.
Liam was born at 1:26am, Monday morning. (Christmas Eve.) Luckily active labour only lasted about 4 hours, and pushing about 30 min. He was born perfect and healthy, and that is what we are grateful for!!
Finally getting to hold my baby in my arms was so amazing! He was tiny, had a ton of hair, (something I really wanted!) and was perfect, with ten fingers and ten toes, and the cutest little button nose!
Both our parents came to visit and meet their new little grandson on Christmas Eve, which was really special! We were both exhausted, so we just spent most of the day resting and getting to know our new little son.
Early on Christmas Eve, we informed the staff that we were headed home. Finally, around 10:00 we were completely discharged, and allowed to leave with our baby.
It was so wonderful to finally get home and feel like we could finally just be comfortable and just relax. I can't even describe how amazing it was just to lay in our own bed! So comfy! :)
Our experience ended up being very frustrating, and aggravating. Everything that I had hoped to avoid, by going to a birth center, ended up happening. From certain experiences and tests, to being treated with less respect for my personal decisions, to being hassled and attacked for my informed decision on a couple of things for my son by the pediatrician on staff, who cornered me specifically to lecture me on how horrible and irresponsible a mother I was, when my husband was running home to grab a couple things.
At my last postpartum visit with my midwifes, back at the birth center, we were informed that they had received my medical records from the hospital, and talked with the midwives there, and had found out that I didn't even have preeclampsia. The doctors/midwives had just decided to keep us, and induce labor early for their own reasons. (Most likely because hospitals don't think that midwives or birth centers are qualified to handle births, especially for people who would like to make their own researched, informed decisions about things.) Because they took the right to make those decisions away from me, and took the calm environment away that I wanted, I am still recovering emotionally. It makes me pretty angry that I was lied to, and had those rights taken away, but we are working on that! I know that the main thing is that we both ended up being healthy and safe in the long run, and I am very grateful for that!

Liam has been the sweetest, easiest baby so far! The first couple days were a tough transition. He had a slight tongue tie, and was born almost 3 weeks early, so he had trouble latching on. (A situation made worse by nurses who were very unwilling to help with nursing, and pushed a nipple shield and spoon feeding in that crucial first 24 hrs.) We ended up using the shield for the first 5 weeks, after which one day he just decided that he didn't need it anymore, and has been a champion nurser ever since!
He's been a great sleeper, after the first few days, where he just wanted to be held 24/7! He started sleeping 2/3 hour stretches from the beginning, and transitioned to sleeping 7-9 hour nights at 12 weeks!
He's growing and learning things so fast its a little crazy! He started smiling around 6 weeks, giggling at 8 weeks, and rolling over at 10 weeks! We are joking that he will start crawling soon, or teething! And honestly, it wouldn't surprise us if he did! :)
He is a daddy's boy, lighting up and cooing nonstop as soon as Scott gets home from work! He loves the weekends especially, when Scott is home and Liam wakes up to play with Daddy right away!
He loves tummy time, and looking around at everything in the house. Liam also loves to be outside, looking at trees, and cars, and all the bright colours! He absolutely loves light fixtures and lamps!! :)
We love being parents, and are enjoying watching our little guy grow and learn every day!!