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"The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee. Short, Tall, light, dark, can, decaf, low-fat, nonfat, etc. So people who don't know what the hell they're doing or who on earth they are, can, for only $2.95, get not just a cup of coffee but an absolutely defining sense of self: Tall! Decaf! Cappuccino." - Joe Fox, You've Got Mail
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Last night I was watching You've Got Mail for probably the 21st time. And I think it's the cutest movie. But Lydia wanted to cuddle, so I was snuggling with her, and every single time I laughed she would do the most adorable little forced giggle, and then look at me to make sure I noticed. And we had the "battle of the pause button," because she figured out the movie stopped and I tickled her when she pushed it. :)
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Tomorrow I get to go back to my hometown to spend a few days with my bestie. And you know what, I've been thinking about this lately, but I don't really think of it as home anymore. I think I finally got over being upset about movie, and think of this area as home now. I'm not resisting learning my way around and making friends. I'm not terrified every time I leave the house. I can see ways that I have blessed in moving here two years ago. I have a good church, and a bible-study group that is really good for me, in being able to study and learn, and also learn to become more vocal and articulate about harder things. I left some friends behind, but I've made more genuine, good friends in the two years that I've lived here than I ever had before. When I start to think about how angry and upset I was, I regret expending all that emotion and frustration. Yes, it was hard. Really hard. But it was a good thing.
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"The steps of a man are established by the Lord, and He delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, because the Lord is the One who holds his hand." Psalm. 37:23-24
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I am so ready for spring this year. This rain and cold has been starting to get to me, and the past two days have been sunny at least and I've been so happy. I can't wait until it's warm and happy out all the time, and I'm not longer freezing all of the time. ;) I'm in such a raspberries and lemonade mood. At a coffee shop a few days ago I just wanted a strawberry lemonade, but they couldn't make it, so the barista and I decided on a lemonade rockstar with strawberry flavor added; and then I proceeded to drop it all over my car right there in the drive thru. (But she was so nice and made me another one and helped me clean it up.) Yesterday, in a fit of spring fever I made a lemon cake, which I do every spring. And I remarked something about Lemon just tasting exactly like spring, and Caleb came to me quite perplexed. "Why does lemon taste like spring? You can't taste spring. It just happens!" gosh. When did he get so smart?
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After reading My Life in France by Julia Child I ordered several dvd's of her cooking show from the library, and I love her even more. Not only is she full of confidence and adventure and totally inspiring, she's just adorable. I'm a messy cook. After I get done cooking the kitchen is usually a disaster and it's a big job to get it cleaned up, but hey, the food tastes great! :) But I noticed that Mrs. Child is a messy, slightly klutzy cook, but she also doesn't let it faze her. In fact sometimes it strikes her as funny, and you can see that she is trying hard not to laugh in the middle of the show after spilling something all over. She'll try to flip an omlet in the pan and end up spilling it all over the stove top, but instead of freaking out or being upset she just picks up the pieces and smashes them back together saying something like "If nobody is in kitchen with you nobody has to know!!"
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Lydia just woke up from her nap, and we're going to go play outside for awhile. It's the thing that makes her happiest. At the moment she's standing in front of me with amazing, wispy bed hair, chattering in the cutest munchkin voice about nothing in particular. :)