Friday, August 15, 2014

the Shadow of the Bear// Book review

The Shadow of the Bear
by Regina Doman

     Once upon a time in New York City... there lived two sisters who loved books, poetry, music and fairy tales... They lived with their widowed mother in a brownstone with two rose bushes in front of it. One winter night a bear came to their door,and they let him in, even though he could not tell them his real name or his real mission. He became their friend, protector and constant companion. They never dreamed that his friendship might cost them their lives

     Everyone loves fairy tales. And I'm no exception. Cinderella, Belle, Sleeping Beauty? Yes please! So when a friend told me about the Shadow of the Bear, a fairy-tale retelling based on Snow White and Rose Read set in Modern New York City, I was extremely excited to read it. She did warn me however, before reading it, that Regina Doman's writing is terrible, but the story is so interesting it makes up for it. She was right. (!!!!!)

     At times the writing was so bad it was irritating... run-on sentences, horribly constructed paragraphs, etc., making it painful at times. But I kept reading because the story was amazing. There were so many clever twists and surprises, that it kept you on your toes, quite willing to wade through the actual writing to follow the story.

     So would I recommend this book to fellow fairy-tale enthusiasts? Absolutely. It's fun, (in a little dark way...) quirky, and different, making it worth the read. 

     My suggestion to Ms. Doman, were we ever to converse? Find a really good editor and revise it, and release another edition, (With a different cover!). That would totally turn this book into a fairy-tale retelling masterpiece. :)
My rating? *** {Three of five stars for storytelling}

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

adventure is out there!

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." ~ Helen Keller   |   yay it's here! august desktop + wallpaper! Thorn + Sparrow. Blog posted on August 21, 2013.
She reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live- Annie Dillard

Distance means so little, when someone means so much.

1. I spent last week traveling along the OR coast with friends, including my amazing bestie, making memories and enjoying the beauty. It was a little hectic, traveling from point to point and not really settling for long in any place, but it was fun and quite an adventure. One night we dressed up in dresses and make-up, and went out to eat at a Thai place in Coos Bay, and we came home, took super silly pictures and then had a bonfire and sang silly songs and were utterly ridiculous. I didn't take a lot of pictures on the trip, but I'll post a few soon. right now i'm too lazy to run upstairs and get my SD card and upload them. :)

2. On the first day of our trip we got rear-ended at an intersection, (It was my dad's car, but I wasn't driving.) It was a horrible experience, and the car is super smashed, probably totaled. So we all got to deal with the police and accident reports and all that for the first time. My neck and back are pretty messed up from the whiplash. I've had a horrible headache since the accident, but hopefully I shall feel much better after seeing the chiropractor tomorrow.

3. I'm taking a CPR/First aid class with my mom on Saturday, so that will be interesting and hopefully fun. I've been reading like crazy, but right not feeling like writing. I guess that's why my little blog has been so quiet. 

4. How are you? :)
