Tea + steam = entertainment on afternoons when I don't really want to be doing schoolwork.
I recently moved upstairs into my older brothers room. For the first time in my entire life, I have my own room and it is kind of weird. But a good kind of weird. It's been nice not having to worry about waking the girls by staying up late, but it was strange sleeping in a room all by myself. (Especially that night the power didn't work and the nightlight didn't work. :)
I'm gonna do something with these Starbucks frap jars someday. I keep telling myself that, and now there sitting on my window sill begging me to do something with them. Maybe some chalkboard vases, yes?
I've been trying to start wearing outfits that incorporate these shoes. ^ I think they're adorable.
Books are a necessity, which is why they are sitting in stacks all over my room. :)
They's so cute, yes? I dare you to make one. (Those stands are made out of an egg carton, btw)
the last two weeks, I kept trying to post. Trying to write something filled
with personal, raw, from my heart stuff, but I had lost my words for a while. I’m
trying to do a writing challenge, (with a bunch of other people online,) right
now, (write 100 words for 100 days,) and sometimes that takes all my words and
then some. J
So this is spontaneous, and mostly just
little random stuff that make me happy. And I guess, now that I think about it,
little random stuff that makes me happy (and laugh) is what really makes up my
life. Just as my mom, she’ll agree with that. I can be the most random person
that you’ll ever meet, flitting from one funny thing I found online to the
next, and then describing something I saw or read. It’s the way I work, and I’m
okay with that now. (Kudos to you if you get that reference. My family watched
that movie over 25 times since my
older brothers and I were little. It’s my dad’s favorite.)
This year, I can’t
wait for spring to arrive in all her glory. Most other years, I didn’t want
spring to come early, because when she does, her cousin Summer is right behind
her, and I don’t usually enjoy Summer all that much. But this year, I am so
ready for spring and summer and wearing flip-flops and light clothing. I don’t
exactly ever bundle up, even when it’s really clod, and my mom is always
telling me to go put socks and sweaters on, but it will be so nice to just walk
out of the house with a light outfit, and flip flops and be perfectly comfortable.
And this year I am excited for Spring to
arrive because on Monday, March 4th, 2013, (sorry.) I am starting
DRIVERS ED, and that’s practically spring. (my family always considers March 1st
the beginning of spring. Because we’re weird. And crazy. the end.) I am so
excited to be able to drive. It’s like, well, when you can drive, you can go
places and do things. Out of chocolate, great, I’ll just run to the store… I am
dying to take pictures and can’t find inspiration here, fine, we can fix that,
let’s grab a friend and go for a drive. And maybe I’ll even meet someone for
coffee for the first time too.
That would be awesome, eh, Hannah, (hint hint) :)
What are
you looking forward to this Spring/Summer, and are you getting warm weather, or
does it still seem like winter there?