Seeing my family meet my littlest brother, James, was
priceless. They were all so excited driving down to pick him up, and were upset
when we had to make a couple of stops. Arriving at the hospital, we waited in
the parking lot for a minuet while we transferred some things from my
Grandparents car into the van, and the kids were almost running off without us.
When we finally made it into the room, the squeals and “isn’t he cutes’” were
so fun.
Cute just isn't the right word. :)
grandpa and James. Doesn’t he look tiny? J
The kids even let me hold him!! (While complaining that I had gotten to hold him before! J)
My parents let Andrew come over for a few minutes today, and it was awesome to get to see big bro meet the little guy. Andrew got to hold him for a while, and James didn’t cry very much!! Babies usually cry when Andrew holds them. J
precious or what?!? Finally something new and cute to photograph!!

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