I am pretty excited about this skirt. I bought it last week for 1/3 of the original price. I've been looking at it every time I went into Fred Meyer over the past three months, falling more and more in love with it, but couldn't justify the price, considering the quality isn't that good, but I love the print and length. So when I found it on sale this week I couldn't resist anymore. ;)
This pendant is my favorite and I don't really even like peacocks. (At least real ones. ;)
Sweater: Target{20.99}
Skirt: Fred Myers{14.99}
Tee: Kohls{8.99}
Heels: Payless {19.99}
Set my heart, O dear Father,
On Thee and Thee only,
Give me a thirst for Thy presence divine.
Lord, keep my focus on loving Thee Wholly,
Purge me from earth; Turn my heart after Thine.
A passion for Thee
O Lord, Set a fire in my soul,
And a thirst for my God.
Hear Thou my prayer, Lord Thy power impart.
Not just to serve, but to love thee with all of my heart.
Father fill with Thy Spirit, and fit me for service
Let love for Christ, every motive inspire.
Teach me to follow in selfless submission
Be Thou my joy and my souls one desire.
A passion for Thee
O Lord, set a fire in my soul
And a thirst for my God,
Hear Thou my pray, Lord Thy power impart
Not just to serve, but to Love Thee with all of my heart.
This hymn has been stuck in my head lately. I've been thinking a lot about serving God in all things, big or small, and having a consuming passion and desire for Him, not just going through the motions, or serving with my hands; but truly loving and seeking to bring Him glory through everything I say, think and do.I think sometimes I get caught up in doing things because I know it's right, (like reading my bible, or praying, etc.) But not necessarily out of love and total devotion and passion for Christ.
Anyway, that's just what I've been thinking about lately. :)