cool people take the bouquet they made the other day off the dining-room and pose with them in the backyard. ;)
Dress: Goodwill {9.99}
Belt: Fred Myer {??}
Sneakers: Payless {19.99}
Nails: Wet 'n' Wild red. ;)
Make-up Details:
BB Cream: E.L.F fair
Foundation: Covergirl fair
Blush: Dream Bouncy Blush pink plum
Eyeshadow: E.L.F. gel toast
Mascera: Cover Girl lashblast fusion
Eyeliner: Sheer Cover Classic black brown
Lips: Burt's Bee's rhubarb
I realized that I haven't done a fashion outfit post in over two months. o.O I have been wearing cute clothes, but just haven't gotten around to taking pictures of outfits and uploading them. :)
Life has been interesting. I've been reading a ton, (no shocker there, right?) and doing the usual, school, laundry, lots of reading, writing a bit, and bible study stuff. (plus the 90 days though the bible for my personal devos.) I'm loving the challenge and really recommend looking into doing it if you haven't before. I'm looking forward to summer and a {hopefully} more busy schedule. I think I'm going to go to the beach for the day with my sister-in-law in the next couple weeks, and I'm really excited. I love the beach. And it's almost warm enough to go hang out at the river, and I think we should plan lots of time there. :) Right now, I'm off to make tea and curl up with a book for awhile before it's time to make dinner. ;)
what's going on in your life? :)