The Last of the Mohicansby James Fenimore Cooper
It is the late 1750's and the French and Indian War grips the wild forest frontier of western New York. The French Army,, are attacking Fort William Henry, the British outpost commanded by Munro. His daughters Alice and Cora set out from Fort Edward to visit their father, escorted by Major Duncan Heyward, and guided by a traitorous Indian. They are soon joined by David, a man who lives to sing. They are lead off the path, and are "lost," but manage to stumble across the path of Hawkeye a scout with a huge reputation among the Indians, and the two Mohicans, Uncas and his father. and convince them to assist them to William Henry. The Scout agrees, mostly because of the two women, and thus the adventures of these seven begin. They are taken into Indian captivity twice, escaping the first time as if by miracle, only to experience horrors of the William Henry massacre when the two ladies are captured by Magua again. The men follow as fast as possible, and begin to attempt to rescue them from their cruel fate. Magua proves cunning and even more horrible than before, and they are all taken captive. But Uncas reveals his identity, and it seems as if they are saved. But Magua is savage, and relentless.
I had The Last of the Mohicans on my bookshelf for forever, and it had been on my "i am going to read this eventually because it's a classic and I have to," list, and I finally decided to read it, not feeling well one day. Once I got about four pages into it I couldn't put it down. It was extremely well written, with beautiful details and just enough dialog The story was sad, adventurous, and complicated, yet beautiful and untamed too. The ending was difficult for me to accept. but as I considered it more, I realized that it wouldn't have worked any other way. The story had to end that way.
Uncas was amazing. There were times I wasn't really sure who the hero of the book was, (I have since found out that it was the Hawkeye. :) But I was drawn to Uncas the whole time. He is strong, gentle, yet a savage as well. He wasn't really "explained" in great detail, and I loved his character.
I would suggest this book for older readers. When I was browsing through some reviews on Goodreads, I noticed that some people mentioned having read it at nine or ten, and I was kind of shocked. It's a bloody book, it's warfare and battles, and I would never recommend it for young readers. :)
I have since realized that this book is the second in a five book series, and am planning to read the first book, and the rest of the series soon. :)
* * * * * {five of five}