Well, I have finally decided to branch out a bit! Here are some pictures. Next time hopefully I will have some pictures of the Fam. :)
I love photographing flowers. They are such a
beautiful part of God's creation
This is Horsethief Butte again, just a different view. This is
a pic of the lake. We spent a bit of time swimming and canoeing
there last year.
Lost Lake! And please don't ask me if it is lost, everybody does!
No, it's not lost, really easy to find actually, don't know where it
got it's name. It really is pretty to photograph.
Lost Lake again, only this is of the many trees
that cover that area.They are beautiful! I love
the trip that we take there every year!
This is one of my favorite photos. I don't know why, maybe
because it is just so weird. Sand and water, two of my favorite
Another view of the picture above, just showing a bit more! :)
I Love, love, love water!!!!
More flowers! I thought this tulip was interesting.
This as a tulip that I had some fun playing with. I
have found it fun lately to change photos black and
white, and such. It can be really entertaining! :)
This is the beach again.I thought that it was interesting with
the bubbles. Kind of wiered hope pictures turn out sometimes.
Anyway, this was kind of fun to work through, and I convinced myself that posting picture is not quite as hard as I thought!
For Christ Alone,
Rebecca Wall